Genie Backup Manager Pro v9.0.567.891 英文正式版(光碟備份軟體)
設定和程式到任何的存儲設備(內置、外置硬碟;FTP路徑;網路; CD/DVD碟片;可移動
Genie Backup Manager Pro 9.0
Award winning backup and disaster recovery solution for
Powerful and Robust
Features that offer flexible backup
?Four backup types; Full, incremental, differential, and mirror
?Basic and advanced scheduler
?Backup to virtually any media; Local, external, FTP/FTPS,
Amazon S3, Network, CD, DVD, and Blu-ray
?Auto rotate backup types
?Pre-and-Post backup commands
?Multi-drive spanning
Backs up all your important data
Backup from My Profile, My Folders, and My Plugins for full
?Backs up your documents, pictures , music, videos and more
?Protects your entire system via Disaster Recovery
?Backs up open and locked files
?File Filtering to add or exclude specific files by date or type
?Backs up external, network or any storage attached to your PC
Seamless System Recovery
Protect your computer from hardware failures, crashes and viruses
with Disaster Recovery
?Backs up all system files, program files, user data, and system
?Step-by-step restore wizard for easy recovery
?System startup options
