OO DiskRecovery v8.0.335 x64 英文正式版(專業的檔和磁片資料恢復軟體)
diskrecovery 是一個專業的檔和磁片資料恢復軟體,它可以梳理硬碟、記憶體或
多種的檔類型word documents. excel workbooks. access databases. 及各種類型
的圖形. 照片. 電影和音樂格式
O&O DiskRecovery 8 searches for and reconstructs data that was
deleted or lost through software error. It scans the entire hard
disk, partition or USB Stick for lost files. Usage is very
intuitive, with a step-by-step wizard enabling users with little
or no experience to easily recovery data they feared was lost.
The free trial version lets users see before they buy just what
lost data is in fact recoverable.
