VeryAndroid SMS Backup v3.1 英文正式版(智慧手機短消息備份管理軟體)
VeryAndroid SMS Backup is the first smart android sms backup
and management software. It can copy and backup sms on Android
phone to computer, restore sms backup file to any android
phone, and also send messages or chat with a friend on computer
directly, exactly the same as that you do on your android phone.
Keep your android sms safe and manage your android sms easily.
With VeryAndroid SMS Backup, you can automatically copy your
android sms to computer and save it as CSV file or txt file as
you wish. Moreover, it brings us the shortcut to move your
other phone?s sms backup file(CSV files) to your new android
phone directly. No valulable sms left behind anymore. More
importantly, you can use PC Tool for VeryAndroid SMS Backup to
manage your sms on computer directly. You even can send
messages on computer or sms chat with your specific contact
directly on your computer. All android users should own such a
powerful android sms backup manager.
