CD DVD Door Guard Pro v3.3 英文正式版(簡單地鎖定/解鎖設備的艙門軟體)
CD/DVD Door Guard有時候會發生 CD/DVD 驅動器的艙門壞掉的情況。這非常令人不愉快,不是
嗎?所以最好是避免這種情況的發生。那麼怎末做呢?現在就立即下載並安裝 CD-Door Guard
吧!CD-Door Guard 在一個 CD/DVD 設備的艙門打開過長時間之後會自動將其關閉。該軟件還
可以檢查當 Windows 操作系統關閉的時候是否有光盤遺留在了光驅裡並且允許你簡單地鎖定/解
鎖設備的艙門。你還可以使用 CD-Door Guard 通過鼠標雙擊的方式打開或者關閉艙門
CD/DVD Door Guard Pro is the perfect solution to prevent
crash of DVD devices. Just download and install CD/DVD Door
Guard Pro, and the utility will start protecting your drive
immediately. Click for a few times,and you can lock the DVD
device's door. After locking it, pressure on the button on
front of DVD drive will not take effect. CD/DVD Door Guard
Pro can lock this device automatically at logging on, and
unlock it each time you open the device's door from CD/DVD
Door Guard Pro menu.
