UFS Explorer Professional Recovery v5.6 英文正式版(數據恢復軟體)
Name : Walter Specht
Serial: P33105C4-B07124A8-D9202806-133EDEFC-5DEFD750-94738D55-8E18E560
UFS Explorer software是一款強大的、綜合的、但是易用的數據恢復軟體。這是專為數據恢復
的目的製作的功能齊全的系列產品, 它包括完整的數據恢復工具集:誤刪除恢復,文件系統丟
失的恢復,原始數據恢復,重建等文件系統等,支援從磁碟, 磁碟映像或組合來恢復RAID陣列
Some people met in a hidden place of the internet long time
ago. They realized quickly that they are interested in the
same things, and their thinking is similar too. A nice
friendship started, and they were working on a lot of common
reversing projects. Later this friendship wasn't only
"virtual", they became friends in real life too. This is what
makes us a REAL team... We are dedicated to do quality
keygens. Don't cry with stupid requests, nobody cares about
it, because we are reversing for OUR entertainment and not
for yours! We aren't a new team, just our name seems to be
new. In the years we got some friend, contact and "fan". An
important note to our "fans": We put a hidden trojan in every
release, so when you execute our keygen, it logs all activity
in your computer and sends it to the FBI. HAHA, DIE ALL
FUCKIN NOBODIES! And finally a few thinks about legality,
copyright, etc: We give a shit on the users, we don't support
any torrents, DCs and other gay things.Our releases are
internal, ONLY for the scene. It's not our business that the
scene is full of shitbones who spread the releases to public
places. It's not our fault that idiots own this world...
