Aiseesoft FoneLab v8.0.18 英文正式版(數據恢復軟體)
Aiseesoft FoneLab Portable 單文件綠色便攜破解版是由Aiseesoft工作室出品的一款Windows平台上
針對iOS設備(比如IPhone、IPAD、IPAD Mini、IPAD Air等設備)的數據恢復軟件。這個是無需安裝和註
冊的單文件綠色便攜版!Aiseesoft FoneLab可以從iOS中恢復照片,影片,聯繫人,短信,通話記錄,
備忘錄,日曆,Safari書籤等,可以直接從iPhone 4/3GS, iPad 1和iPod touch 4中直接找回12種類型
的數據,從iPhone 5s/5c/5/4S, iPad 4/3/2/mini和iPod touch 5中恢復7種格式文件,從所有iOS設備
Aiseesoft FoneLab is a good assistant for iOS devices. It
can easily recover the data lost due to jailbreak, iOS
upgrade, etc. It is able to recover the lost or deleted
data from iTunes backup and iOS devices directly. So you
don't need to worry about losing data ever again! For the
Recover from ios Device, it can support the connection of
multiple devices. They will be displayed in the area of
equipment list after the connection. And the user can
select the device to scan and restore deleted data. For the
Recover from iTunes Backup File, it can show the iTunes
back up files on different devices.
