Raxco PerfectDisk Professional v13.0.821 Business Edition 英文正式版(磁碟整理軟體)
系統是是 FAT、FAT32 或是 NTFS 格式皆可以聰明地分析分析磁碟文件格式,安全、快速
You have selected PerfectDisk 12, the fastest and most complete
disk defragmenter available.
PerfectDisk ensures that your Windows 7, Vista, Windows Server
2008, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Home Server
systems maintain the best possible performance. PerfectDisk
solutions for virtual environments such as Hyper-V, Microsoft
Virtual PC and Virtual Server are also available.
PerfectDisk?s patented SMARTPlacement?defragmentation technology
provides fast, efficient, and complete defragmentation of even
your largest drives with minimal system resource usage. System
utilization based defragmentation regimes such as StealthPatrol?
and Screen Saver (part of our Scheduling? keep your systems
optimized whenever they?re not in use.
PerfectDisk?s Enterprise Console provides powerful and scalable
network deployment, management, scheduling, and reporting for all
PerfectDisk products across your organization?s networks.
As a Certified for Windows application, PerfectDisk maintains your
system performance according to Microsoft?s highest standards for
safety and reliability.
