Pixelab XXcopy Pro v3.21.6 x86 英文正式版(文件複製備份軟體)
使用跟 XCOPY 一樣的語法,它可以複製、移除、搜尋及列出文件/文件夾,能夠完全複製(Clone)
What is XXCOPY ?
- A versatile file management tool for Microsoft
- It is a command-line program (without graphical
user interface).
- Supports all Windows versions (except Windows
- It has more command switches (>230) than any
other tool of its kind.
- An ideal component for batch files for simple and
complex scripting.
- Accesses remote (networked) computer storage and
local external USB drives.
- Command syntax compatible with Microsoft's XCOPY
with few exceptions.
- Competes with (supersedes) Microsoft's RoboCopy.
- One download package contains both the 32-bit and
64-bit XXCOPY versions.
- Extremely rich in file-selection mechanism (by
filedate, size, attrib, etc.).
- Wild-Wildcard (specify a path with wildcard
anywhere for any number of times).
- Functions for Copy, List, Gather, Delete, Move,
Flatten-Dir, and more ...
- A very mature product (the first XXCOPY version
was published in 1999).
