Ambiera WebsitePainter v2.1.1 Professional Edition 英文正式版(是不懂html和css代碼的人製作網頁的神器軟體)
Ambiera WebsitePainter Professional 2.1.1是不懂html和css代碼的人製作網頁的神器,媲
美XARA WEB DESIGN,兩者都是無需懂語言,直接製作導出網頁的軟體。
WebsitePainter is an easy-to-use and
intuitive software for creating HTML
websites without any web developing
With a few clicks it is possible to
create webpages with elements like
Web2.0 buttons, gradients, round
borders, hover effects,
transparencies, continuous text and
Includes a great variety of templates
and supports important Web standards
such as HTML, CSS, PHP and ASP.
Modern websites with a few clicks Web
2.0 Buttons, Transparent Shapes,
Gradients at your finger tips with a
few simple clicks in WebsitePainter,
you can create all the shapes you
need for modern websites.
No endless drawing of images, editing
of CSS styles and HTML elements
anymore. Exact placement for pixel
perfect layouting WebsitePainter
allows you to place all elements of
your Website exactly where you want
them to be, by simply clicking and
moving them.
No complex layouting rules are needed
anymore, WebsitePainter will take
care of this and generate the HTML
site as you want it to look for you.
This may sound trivial, but the sad
reality is that with the complex
layout system of todays HTML
standard, this has become a tricky
task for Website designers, but
WebsitePainter removes this burden.
Create Interactive Slideshows with
just a few clicks WebsitePainter has
built-in support for dynamic HTML
content. You can for example create a
dynamic SlideShow with a list of
images which will fade in and out at
an adjustable speed. It is also
possible to create some buttons or
links to make the slideshow more
interactive, to manually switch to
the next or previous image.
Everything without programming, just
with a few clicks.
