Oleansoft Hidden Camera 250x1 v2.32 英文正式版(在實時模式下同時監視多達 250 台電腦軟體)
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Hidden Camera 是一款電腦監視軟體。可以在實時模式下同時監視多達 250 台電腦,可以
示。主要功能有:同時監視多達 250 台電腦;具有錄製和瀏覽模式,可以進行幻燈顯示;
多屏模式,可以劃分為 2x2 到 16x16 來同時顯示多達250 個螢幕;帶有檔案瀏覽器,可以
The Hidden Camera software is intended for remote control
and observation over computers (rooms via webcams) in a
local network or via the Internet with or without
recording. You can observe up to 250 computers (rooms via
webcams) simultaneously in real-time mode. The product
makes snapshots from the webcams and screenshots of the
PCs monitors (full screen or active window) and saves them
with intervals of 2 seconds to 1 hour into an archive that
may checked any time you wish. You can record voice via
microphones and then play any mp3 audio file anytime. The
off-line work time counter allows to see all
statistic information about work time of any
employee. Each screenshot may be saved as a graphic file
and printed out. The full-screen mode allows for you to
feel as if you are sitting in front of the monitor you
observe. External archive viewer allows you to set any
time interval for review. Split-screen mode is supported
(up to 250 screens in one simultaneously). You can create
groups of employees (up to 25 groups). Also, you can send
any text messages to employees or group of employees.
Autostart mode for the cameras is supported. Password
protection for safety is supported.
