West Wind Web Monitor v3.50 英文正式版(網站訪客記錄統計分析軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
Need to keep an eye on your Web site? Worried that the site might not be
up and running returning accurate results? How much is costing you if
your site is down or not responding properly? Can you afford not to
monitor your site?
Or maybe you need to have your Web site perform maintenance tasks on
regular intervals?
Then West Wind Web Monitor is the tool for you. Web Monitor can help you
monitor Web links to make sure they are still online. It can watch
multiple Web sites and links and notify you via email or pager if and
when there is a problem. It can even launch another URL or executable
file to correct the problem without manual intervention when a failure
occurs. And it will notify you again if the site comes back up if the
automated tasks succeeded.
Web Monitor runs either as a desktop application, Taskbar item or as a
Windows Service and allows you to monitor up to 100 sites per instance.
The Service Version also provides a remote Web interface to administer
Web Monitor over the Internet (requires IIS and ASP.NET).
