Tsarfin NetInfo v8.6 英文正式版(網路監視軟體)
NetGong 這款網路監視解決方案允許網路管理員、網站管理員和網路服務供應商監視因
If you routinely experience delays or bottlenecks when surfing the
Internet or your intranet, you know how frustrating it can be.
NetInfo analyzes your connection and various aspects of the
Internet in order to isolate potential pitfalls. Once it
determines where the problem lies, NetInfo provides you with a
whole slew of tools that help you solve it. If the problem lies
beyond your realm of control and you don't know who to contact
about it, NetInfo will give you a name, e-mail address and phone
number. With tools like Local Info, Connections, Ping, Trace,
Lookup, Finger, Whois, Daytime, Time, Quote, HTML, Scanner,
Services, E-mail, and Web Center, you'll get in touch with your
inner NetAdmin geek.
