DirectUpdate v4.7.6.209 英文正式版(Web伺服器軟體
可以讓您以靜態的主機名稱關聯一個動態的IP 地址,而且無論何時您登錄到您的ISP時,
登錄時會有一個動態的IP地址,但你卻可以把自己的電腦當作 Web 伺服器,BBS,郵件伺
服器,或其他各種 Internet 服務,而電腦卻不用天天開著。
ACME can not be held responsible for any unlawful actions based on
or in conjunction with any of its releases. The enduser has to
decide whether to download, install, and use a release or not.
Software engineers have to spend a lot of time developing their
programs to improve their products in order to get new custo-
mers and to make a living. If you acquire one of our releases not
?just for testing purposes but for everyday usage, we strongly
advise you to buy the software to support the authors!
