HaneWin LLDP Service v1.4.13 英文正式版(於 PPPOE DSL協定的中繼服務軟體)
HaneWin LLDP Service 是一款可以通過軟體實現 Link Layer Discovery Protocol
協定的工具,是一款用於 PPPOE DSL協定的中繼服務工具。
The haneWIN LLDP software implements a LLDP Service based on the IEEE
802.1AB standard for the Link Layer Discovery Protocol.
The Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP) is a protocol that can be
used for discovering the physical topology from adjacent stations in
802 LANs.
The LLDP service is implemented as native service for background
operation on Windows 2000/XP platforms. A Control Panel applet
provides interactive access to the service.
User interface in English and German.
