CooolSoft Power Flac Cd Maker v6.1 英文正式版(音頻轉換軟體)
Power Flac Cd Maker is a powerful tool to convert your music
to CD directly, specially for flac or ape flawless compressed
music files. You can use it to make your own music CD just
like the origin CD, it have fastest CD making speed, and no
extra disk space needed while converting, all is done in your
Supported music format:
Convert from : wav mp3 wma CD-audio ogg ape wmv asf m4a m2a
mp2 mpg mp1 mpga mpa mpx mp4 mpc rm flac shn tta wv ac3 aac
aiff amr
Convert to : wav mp3 wma ogg ape mp2 m2a
Burn CD
