Ashampoo Music Studio 4 v4.0.5 英文正式版(音頻格式轉換軟體)
Ashampoo Music Studio 允許你完全管理您的音樂,擷取任何光碟格式,MP3音頻、燒
錄的CD / DVD/藍光。您可以錄製各種格式的音頻CD光碟、CD、MP3、WMA、啟用自動傳輸
What is Music Studio?
Ashampoo Music Studio is your all-in-one solution to create,
edit, design and produce your music.
Ashampoo Music Studio 4 covers the entire workflow from music
creation to production.
Supported audio formats: FLAC, MP3, OGG, WAV, WMA
?Digitize your audio and enjoy the everlasting high quality of
digital music. Notebook computer, music player or cellphone ?
listen to your favorite music, anywhere any time.
?Transfer your precious music collection to your PC and let
Music Studio create the required audio files for you.
?Record your own audio files through any available Windows
recording device, e.g. microphone or line in, and process them
right in Music Studio.
?Grab the music right from your favorite movies and create your
own ringtones and remixes.
