CD Rip Master v1.0.1.836 英文正式版(音軌抓取工具軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
CD Rip Master是一款可以幫助你將你珍藏的音樂CD中的歌曲抓取出來並以文件的方式保存
下來的音軌抓取工具,同時程式還具備了刻錄CD的功能! 這樣你就可以將喜歡的CD轉換為
MP3, RAW, WAV, OGG等音頻文件格式了。另外程式還具備刻錄數據光碟的功能!
CD Rip Master features a powerful audio tool. It not only
can rip CD tracks from CD to MP3, RAW, WAV, and OGG, but
also can convert audio files from one format to another,
and backup your favorite audio and data CDs. Easy to use
interface and powerful function, making CD Rip Master the
perfect audio CD ripper software for users of any
experience level!
