Applied Acoustics Chromaphone v1.0.5 WIN OSX 英文正式版(打擊樂合成器軟體)
一款創造性的打擊樂合成器,可用於 Windows 和 Mac。
Chromaphone 結合了聲學共鳴來建立打擊樂音色。具有各種豐富的配置以及靈活的噪音
源。Chromaphone 的核心是新穎的耦合技術,精確的對振動物件進行了建模並且捕獲了
Chromaphone is a Percussion Synthesizer that combines acoustic resonators
to create drums, percussion, mallet, string, and synth-like instruments. At
the user's fingertips are drum skins, bars, marimbas, plates, strings, and
tubes that get sparked into life by a mallet and a flexible noise source.
With Chromaphone, AAS has introduced a coupling technology that models how
vibrating objects interact. Resonators are not passive any more, they now
move and influence each other dynamically capturing key acoustic
behaviours. The result is a library of vivid and expressive instruments
with unmatched acoustic precision, sharpness, and real-life presence.
