Adrosoft AD MP3 Cutter v2.1 英文正式版(mp3文件分割軟體)
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AD MP3 Cutter 是一個簡單方便的MP3文件分割工具. 具有高級視覺分割功能.MP3文件
以可縮放的波形圖像形式顯示. 您可以精確的在所需文件點設置剪切線 , 通過滑鼠點
擊可播放和輕易改變剪切線位置. 該軟體可自動分割等份文件, 相同的時間或靜默分
割. 程式擁有非常直觀和友好的用戶界面. 輸出文件擁有與輸入文件一樣的原始音質.
您可以播放所有文件或選擇的部分, 改變快速播放位置, 音量和播放速率. 內置定時
器和資訊窗口將幫你熟悉程式的運作. AD MP3 Cutter所帶的編輯器允許您為MP3文件
的每個選擇部分建立或編輯 ID3 標籤. 您可以對輸出文件設置標題, 藝術家名字, 專
AD MP3 Cutter is a simple and handy tool for splitting MP3
files. It has advanced features for visual splitting. A
file is represented by its waveform image with zoom in and
out effects. You can precisely set cut line on desired file
point, play and easily change of a cut line position by one
mouse click. The program can automatically split a file by
equal parts, equal time or by silence. The program has very
intuitive and user-friendly Interface. Output files have
the original sound quality of input file. You can play all
file or only a selected part, change quickly playback
position, volume level and playback rate. The built-in
timer and the info window will help you to work with the
program. AD MP3 Cutter allows you to create or edit ID3
TAGs for each selected part of MP3 file with a built-in
editor. You can set title, artist name, album and other
attributes for an output file.
