Briz Software Briz MP3 Splitter v1.20 英文正式版( 音樂檔案分割軟體)
MP3 音樂檔案分割工具 - MP3 Splitter ,該軟體可以幫您將 MP3 音樂檔案加以分割,
切開或整理 MP3 音樂檔案並將結果儲存成一個新的MP3 檔案,此軟體亦能夠快速地分
MP3 Splitter is an easy-to-use tool to split MP3
MP3 Splitter allows you to split, cut or trim a MP3
file and save results into new MP3 files. The audio
player embeded in this program allows you to
manually select segments which should be sliced.
Also you can automatically split up a MP3 file into
equal-sized parts.
It can quickly split larger MP3 files without
reducing quality.
