ZYNAPTIQ UNVEIL V1.1.2 英文正式版(聲音處理軟體)
check crack\install.txt
UNVEIL 是一款基於事實去混音(技術)的插件,它可以衰減或增強任意通道數量,包
此外,UNVEIL 還具有一個讓錄音集中或融入背景中的重要功能,可以衰減或提升不太
UNVEIL is a real-time, de-mixing based plug-in that allows attenuating
or boosting reverb components within a mixed signal of any channel
count, including mono sources, as well as modifying reverb
characteristics. Additionally, UNVEIL allows you to bring the key
features of a recording into focus, or move them to the background,
by attenuating or boosting perceptionally less important signal
components. Based on our proprietary, artificial intelligence based
MAP (Mixed-Signal Audio Processing) technology, UNVEIL allows fixing
previously unusable location audio and dialog, tightening up live music
recordings, removing reverb and □ud?from musical signals, as well
as creative sound design.
