FASoft n-Track Studio v7.03 英文正式版(混音音軌合成器軟體)
N-Track Studio 通過多個音軌合成器,讓你可以錄製、配音、混合多條WAV和MIDI音軌專業
的數位錄音室。還在為專業錄音煩惱嗎? n-Track Studio 在多音軌中提供強大的剪接與編
名思義,n-Track Studio提供了多音軌錄音的功能,它最大的特色是允許在單一的WAV 與
MIDI 檔中,在不同的音軌上加入特效與混音,然後轉換成一般的WAV 或MIDI 或者時下流行
的 MP3 格式,讓所有音軌上的聲音可做同時播放。這樣的好處可以針對某一音軌做單獨的修
When joining Linezer0 you are not just joining a group, but
a family. We're a group built on friendship, devotion, respect
and of course the continous learning. If you are one of those
whom are just here for the glory and releases, then you have
found the wrong group. Hard work and dedication is what has
brought us to where we are today, and it is that we will
demand from you as well.
