FairStars Recorder v3.71 英文正式版(錄音軟體)
很好的錄音軟體,直接從聲卡或者麥克風取音然後轉為 WMA, MP3, OGG, APE 以及 WAV
格式,自動去除靜音片段,靜音超時自動停止錄音,支援濾波,具備Mp3 ID3標籤編輯器。
FairStars Recorder is a real-time audio recorder, offering
professional recording features with full support for WMA,
MP3, OGG, APE, FLAC and WAV formats. It allows you to
record sound directly from your sound card, including from
a microphone or a line-in jack at high quality. It can be
used to grab any sound, including music, dialogs from
movies, game sounds, streaming audio or anything else. The
captured sound can be saved directly without the need for
temporary files. Additional features include silent skip,
file size limits, recording wizard, recording schedule, tag
editor, audio cutter and more.
