Absolute MP3 Splitter and Converter v4.0 英文正式版(音頻分割、合併與轉檔軟體)
Absolute MP3 Splitter 是一個強大的音頻分割、合併與轉檔軟體,它可以分割一個
不變。該軟體支援四種流行的音頻格式:MP3、WAV、WMA 與 OGG。軟體的嚮導功能使
用分割工作非常容易地被用戶理解。而且,你還可以對目標文件的 ID3 標籤資訊進行
編輯。軟體除了支援設置音頻格式的比特率與頻率,同樣還支援 MP3 與 OGG 文件的
Absolute MP3 Splitter is a powerful audio split , merge &
convert software,which can split your large audio file into
small pieces and also can merge several audio files into
one large file without losing quality. Absolute MP3
Splitter can split a large audio file into small pieces in
spite of the source format and target format.For
example,you can split an mp3 file into several small mp3
files and even into wma,wav and ogg files according to your
settings; Absolute MP3 Splitter can merge multi audio files
to one large file in spite of the source format and target
