Abvent Artlantis Studio v4.0.15.1 英文正式版(三維渲染軟體)
Abvent Artlantis 是法國 Abvent 公司重量級渲染引擎,也是 SketchUp 的一個天然渲染伴侶,
速度極快,Artlantis 與 SketchUp、3DMAX、ArchiCAD 等建築建模軟體可以無縫鏈接,渲染後所
Abvent Artlantis 主要面向專業的建築設計和大部分 3D CAD 用戶,以直觀的界面和高質量的動
硬體和燈光現實仿真技術。對於許多主流的建築 CAD 軟體,如 ArchiCAD、 VectorWorks、
SketchUp、AutoCAD、Arc+等,Artlanits 可以很好的支援輸入通用的 CAD文件格式:DXF、DWG、
3DS 等。
理念的誕生造就了Artlantis 渲染軟體的成功, 擁有80多個國家超過65000之多的用戶群。 雖然在
國內,還沒有更多的朋友接觸它、使用它。但是 Artlantis 的高科技創新在任何的 3D 建模軟體中
Artlantis 家族共包括二個版本:
1). Artlantis R,非常獨特、完美的容易的用計算渲染的方法表現現實的場景。 另一個新的特性
就是使用簡單的拖拽就能把 3D 對像和植被直接的放在預演窗口(preview window)中,來快速的模
2). Artlantis Studio(高級版) ,具備完美、專業的圖像、動畫、QuickTime VR 虛擬物體等功
能,並採用了全新的 FastRadiosity?(快速輻射)引擎,企業版提供了場景動畫、對像動畫,及使相
機平移、視點、 目標點的操作更簡單、更直覺的許多新的功能。
Artlantis 不僅保留其舊有之功能,還增加了數種超眩功能,讓使用者能夠在操作時更加的隨心所欲、
一款輕鬆進行實時高解析度著色的獨特和理想的工具。其全新的 FastRadiosity 引擎讓你在進行
Radiosity 渲染甚至在預覽時就計算出圖像效果,另一創新特點是 3D 物體和貼圖素材通過簡單的拖拽
A recognized leader in preview window technology, Artlantis
is the rendering software used by architects, designers and
urban design professionals in more than 80 countries.
Whats new in 4 version:
Quality Improvements
Like in photography, the respect of color is essential in
rendering. The new radiosity engine improves images for a
better perception of colors, textures, and materials. Tone
correction is a new post-process tool that allows you to
lighten dark images and vice versa. A new Fresnel Shader
has been added to the library. It is particularly suitable
for metallic car bodies. Transparent surfaces are now
better-managed in this new engine.
Performance Improvements
In addition to these quality improvements, Artlantis 4 is
faster than ever. The average is TWO times faster, and
SEVEN times faster if the project uses many Neon Shaders.
In order to better handle large projects, Artlantis is now
optimized for 64-bits on Macintosh and Windows.
Productivity Improvements
The new Horizontal projection function simplifies working
with complex roofing. The Batch rendering work can be
reorganized and filtered before launching. In 2D view, the
duplicated objects are positioned with gravity on the
project. A new Explode by Mesh function separates
automatically the different meshes to simplify the material
assignment. A multiple selection of objects can now be set
at the same time.