LUXION KEYSHOT PRO V3.1.26 WIN64 英文正式版(渲染軟體)
check crack\install.txt
彩原科技所代理的即時彩現軟體 Keyshot推出期待已久的進化版,功能不但大大升
!Keyshot 是專為設計師量身打造的即時彩現軟體,擁有世界上最快速的渲染引擎
Keyshot 全新使用者介面及操作方式,擁有完整豐富的資源庫,無論在貼圖、材質
在渲染功能上,提升了工作上的效率, 顯示效果更精準,全新 Scene Tree介面,
地面效果,無限制的 Label 貼圖功能大大的增加了操作上的便利性,包括 3D檔案
50% 以上
KeyShot 3 includes the largest amount of customer enhancements and
feature requests introducing an all new animation system, over 300
new materials and 20 new lighting environments. This release of KeyShot
focuses on four main areas:
* Ground-breaking animation system bringing a new level of 3D
visualization to the product design workflow.
* Enhancing user experience with a completely updated user interface
and smoother workflow options.
* New tools extending the capabilities of KeyShot to be used
throughout the entire product development process.
* Increasing the options available to users for importing and
interacting with the most file formats on PC and Mac.
he top enhancements for KeyShot 3 incorporate new capabilities across
very area of the KeyShot experience, from the the user interface and
nimation system to improved model and material interaction.
![LUXION KEYSHOT PRO V3.1.26 WIN64 英文正式版(渲染軟體)](/softimage/MOD1979.jpg)