HDR LIGHT STUDIO PRO V3.0 WIN64 英文正式版(高動態範圍3D渲染軟體)
check crack\install.txt
HDR LIGHT STUDIO PRO 3.0 - KEYGENED of course, what else from XFORCE
The Ultimate Image Based Lighting Creation and Adjustment Studio
HDR Light Studio provides a new way to light 3D objects... at last
image based lighting is as easy and flexible as traditional
3D CG light sources.
Interactively create HDR lighting environment maps from scratch using
powerful Synthetic light sources and HDR Picture based lights.
Interactively adjust existing HDR environment maps, nondestructively,
locally adjusting exposure, color and saturation.
See the results on your 3D model in real-time. The LiveLight preview
window supports: Collada, OBJ and MI files.
Unlimited render resolutions for your final lighting design as EXR or
HDR file formats.
