SIDEFX HOUDINI FX V13.0.415 win64 VC11 英文正式版(三維動畫、特效軟體)
check crack\install.txt
Houdini 是一個特效方面非常強大的軟體,主要面對的是電影工業的特效製造與組成。與其
他如3DS Max/After Effects等三維動畫、特效組成軟體不同的是,Houdini是一個節點軟體,
After Effects在面對成千上萬個視覺元素時顯然是不現實的。許多電影特效都是由它完成:
It came to our attention that a moron going by the name of Casper03
has byte to byte copied our sesi crack and his gay acolyte going by
the name Petshopper or Petshitter has been distributing this stolen
Crack with our Keygens on pay sites.
If you come across those assholes ban them and get rid of those scumbags
That's the reason we decided to stop upgrading some of our Cracks and
the list will get bigger when you wont be able to find your favourite
apps you ll know who to blame coz those idiots got no skills to Crack
anything ...
