LimitState FIX v3.0.391 x64 英文正式版(三維打印模型修復軟體)
There抯 nothing more frustrating than a 3D model that won抰 print. Your
3D printing workflow grinds to a halt, costing you time and money. But
you can fix almost all the problems in a 3D STL file in minutes with
We抳e taken the incredible Polygonica technology, developed and proven
over two decades, and embedded it in a super-easy-to-use product that
automatically fixes 3D models. Your existing software will fix a few
problems. But in our tests, LimitState:FIX fixes vastly more - saving
you time, and letting you get back to designing and printing.
Here抯 how LimitState:FIX works. You抳e just built a fantastic STL model
that looks perfect on-screen. But when it comes to printing, your
printer won抰 accept the file - or worse, takes time to print it, but it
comes out wrong. Cue a frustrating cycle of fixing the model and trying
to print. This is because preparing clean, watertight, STL files that
will print properly on a 3D printer can be hard. Even experienced 3D
modellers can leave defects in their model.
Getting the model right can be painful. It often means boring, laborious
manual fixing of your model. There are repair tools out there, but they
aren抰 always that reliable. This is why we developed LimitState:FIX.
LimitState:FIX automatically identifies and repairs defects in STL
files. And it does it fast. We used the groundbreaking Polygonica
technology, which has set the standard for industrial 3D mesh modelling
over the last 20 years. It抯 consistently been the most robust tool for
repairing meshes in industrial models. Now, finally, we've made the core
mesh healing technology available to 3D modellers working in fields from
product design, dentistry and jewelry to aviation and architecture to
fix their models - fast. We think this is a real breakthrough which
could make many 3D modellers?lives much, much easier.
