Solid Angle Houdini To Arnold v3.0.3.for Houdini 16.5.473 英文正式版(阿諾德渲染器插件軟體)
check crack\install.txt
是一款高級跨平台逼真照片級阿諾德渲染器插件,由 Solid Angle開發,已有知名電影電視和動畫公司在
使用,包括索尼圖形圖像運作Sony Pictures Imageworks。作為一個照片般逼真的,基於物理的光線追蹤,
HtoA阿諾德渲染器提供了一個嚴格而專業橋接胡迪尼的標準接口,同樣也支持瑪雅或Softimage或Cinema 4d。
All Arnold cameras (perspective, orthographic, spherical, fisheye) with depth of field and
advanced shutter controls.阿諾德相機(透視,orthographic,球形,魚眼)與景深和先進的快門控制。
All Arnold lights (point, distant, spot, quad, disk, cylinder, skydome, mesh) with light
filters and accurate viewport representation.
Custom Arnold shading network context with a comprehensive list of 106 shaders and utilities.自定
Atmospheric and background effects.大氣和背景效果
Volume rendering with support for OpenVDB and particles體積渲染支持OpenVDB和粒子.
Polymeshes, curves, points with support for displacement and bump mapping and subdivision.
Procedurals, with sample Alembic and mandelbulb implementations.
Accurate motion blur (transform, deform, velocity, acceleration), overridable per object.
Geometry attributes translation as user data.
Optional Arnold properties for objects and cameras.
Render to AOVs, in single or separate files.渲染到AOVs,單個或者分離成多個文件
Support all Houdini rendering contexts (render region, mplay, render viewer, render COP, batch),
with support for AOVs and clickable buckets.
Interactive rendering (IPR) allows parameter changes to be rapidly previewed without interrupting
your work.交互式渲染(IPR)允許快速預覽參數變化而不中斷你的工作。
Multi-camera renders多攝像機渲染.
DeepEXR support支持DeepEXR.
插件支持: Houdini Win 64,Macosx,Linux
