Tracker Software PDF-XChange Pro v4.0200.200 英文正式版(PDF文件閱讀軟體)
PDF-XChange Viewer是一款多功能的PDF閱讀器,它完全免費(也有專業版)。它具有豐富的標
- 支援多分頁瀏覽,還可以像 IE7 的縮圖索引一樣,將開啟的文件產生縮圖於一頁,讓你方便點選。
- 程式啟動速度不慢,PDF 檔載入速度很快,就算是大檔案也能很快載入。
- 可以顯示中文文件。
- 可以加文字,加註解,畫箭頭,畫線段,畫多邊形,還可以儲存修改後的檔案,不會加上浮水印。
- 可以將文件輸出成圖片。
- 可以自動檢查更新.
The Worlds best general purpose PDF creation and
manipulation Tool just got better!
With a Lite, Standard and PRO version of
PDF-XChange there is a still a product to just about
every need and every budget!
PDF-XChange PRO offers all the features of the
Standard version and comes bundled with our flexible
and extensive all purpose tool for PDF creation and
modification - PDF-Tools. Combine this with our
award winning PDF-XChange Viewer PRO and PDF-XChange
PRO is just about as good as it gets - and all for
less than $75.00 !
PDF-XChange consistently offers the smallest files,
fastest and most reliable PDF creation and
manipulation available today.
