ScreenSteps Pro v2.9.2.18 英文正式版(文檔製作軟體)
這是一個非常優秀的文檔製作工具,如果你喜歡寫教案的話,這個軟體很適合你! 使用
的軟體, HTML格式有幾種風格可以選擇。
ScreenSteps is the content creation and editing module of the
ScreenSteps Support Suite. With ScreenSteps Desktop, users of any
ability can quickly create customer tutorials and guides that any
customer can follow. You can literally transform knowledge into
visual customer tutorials and guides in a matter of minutes and
then choose from one of the many export options such as PDF, HTML,
Blog or ScreenSteps Live.
![ScreenSteps Pro v2.9.2.18 英文正式版(文檔製作軟體)](/softimage/PDF3138.jpg)