Kingsoft Office 2012 Professional v8.1.0.3018 英文正式版(辦公軟體)
Kingsoft Office一款完整的桌面Office功能、易學易用全相容Office、靈活的企業自動
WPS 2012 基於雲辦公的理念,讓用戶可以在辦公室、學校或家裡最高效地完成工作。讓
Kingsoft Office 2012 improved a lot of in the
compatibility of Microsoft Office documents.
Also have many its new features as powful
build-in PDF converter, table functions, and
new 2012 interface similiar to Microsoft
Office 2007, intergrated VBA in programmes
supporting Macro files. We provide online
update & best support for any questions from
customers. It can be the customers best
choice those can not afford Microsoft Office.
