SadMan Search v6.1 英文正式版(文件和文件中文本的搜索軟體)
支援萬用字元和邏輯表達式設置搜索條件。 數碼產品報價
手機 數碼相機 U盤/閃存卡 GPS
諾基亞 單反/鏡頭 耳機 MP3/蘋果
上網本 品牌電腦 CPU/記憶體/硬碟
筆記本 顯示器 主板/顯卡
機箱/電源 音箱/鍵/鼠 液晶電視
遊戲機/PSP/XBOX 高清播放機
DV攝像機 空調/電扇 冰箱
Do you need to find files that contain a particular piece of
text? Perhaps you're looking for "Register" but you're not
interested in those that contain "RegisterComponents"? Or do
you want to make sure that all calls to FindFirst are
followed by a FindClose?
Well Search can help you with this and more. Simply enter a
starting directory, a list of file names (containing
wildcards if you wish,) the text string(s) to search for (or
regular expressions) and whether you want to find either
string, both strings, or the first string and not the second
then press Search.
Search will show you all the names of the files that match,
along with the matched lines from each file. Then you can
open the matched files or drag them to another application,
see the file's properties, or copy them to the clipboard.
![SadMan Search v6.1 英文正式版(文件和文件中文本的搜索軟體)](/softimage/PDF3798.jpg)