Softmaker Office Professional v2012.665 英文正式版(移動辦公套件軟體)
SoftMaker Office 致力於在PPC端實現PC端Microsoft Office的所有功能,使得在PPC上可以直
接打開,編輯和保存任意Microsoft Word, Excel和PowerPoint 文件,無需轉換,並保有原文件
TextMaker: 多種語言拼寫檢查,圖形嵌入,角注,帶計算功能表格,跟蹤修改,氣球式註釋,全
PlanMaker: 超過330種計算功能,支援複數和數組計算。可顯示microsoft excel 生成的任意表格;
Presentations: 繪圖,圖片,預定義圖形,圖案,色階。支援Powerpoint所有的變換和動畫效果。
Choose SoftMaker Office 2012 as your office suite, and
you will get the job done in less time and with better
results. SoftMaker Office is reliable, powerful, fast,
and easy to use.
Compatible with Microsoft Office 2010, 2007, 2003, and
To be useful in the real world, an office suite needs
to be compatible with Microsoft Word, Excel, and
PowerPoint documents.
SoftMaker Office 2012 fills this requirement
competently: It not only works seamlessly with the old
Microsoft Office formats DOC, XLS, and PPT, but also
faithfully reads and writes files in the new DOCX,
XLSX, and PPTX formats that have been introduced with
Microsoft Office 2007 and 2010.
You will not find any other office suite that renders
documents in all these Microsoft Office formats as
faithfully as SoftMaker Office 2012.
