Hamrick VueScan v9.2.24 Professional Edition x64 英文正式版(專業掃瞄軟體)
VueScan 是使用非常廣的一款掃瞄儀軟體,支援Epson、HP、Nikon 和Canon 品牌的掃瞄
VueScan 擁有強大的功能和掃瞄選項,支援超越700掃瞄儀和209數碼相機原始文件,支
援 200 種以上的底片類型,還具備在剪取圖像時製成關聯單、複雜的白色平衡算法、用於檢
VueScan是著名的第三方底片掃瞄儀驅動程式 ,支援市場可見絕大多數型號的底片掃瞄儀,
VueScan 利用了以下設備的高級硬體能力:尼康 LS-30/LS-2000,美能達 Dimage ScanDual,
惠普 PhotoSmart,尼 康 LS-20/LS-1000,寶麗來 SprintScan 35/LE/ES/+,和佳能 CanoScan2700F
底片掃瞄儀。利用 VueScan,你能夠 比平板掃瞄儀掃瞄照片更多地控制最終的圖像。VueScan 的
特性包括:支援 200 種以上的底片類型,在剪取圖像時 製成關聯單,複雜的白色平衡算法,用於
VueScan is a powerful, easy-to-use program that
scans documents, photos and film, and creates PDF,
JPEG, TIFF and TXT files. Moreover, VueScan guides
you step-by-step and gives you lots of help.
VueScan supports 321 digital camera raw file types
and more than 1500 different scanners on Windows,
1100 scanners on Mac OS X and 700 scanners on Linux.
It automatically adjusts images to optimum color
balance, which reduces the need to manually do this
in Photoshop. VueScan includes built-in color
calibration of scanners, producing colors that look
true to life. Supporting more than 100 brands of
negative film, VueScan offers options for scanning
faded slides and prints, batch scanning, IT8 color
calibration and other advanced scanning features.
What's new in version 9.0+
* Adds 64-bit versions for Windows, Mac OS X and
Linux. This lets you use more scanners on 64-bit
operating systems (and lets you use Canon
transparency adapters on 64-bit Windows). Also
lets you work easier with scans larger than 3