KC Softwares K ML v4.8.436 英文正式版(人電子報發報平台軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
本軟件是一個人電子報發報平台 – K-ML,可以製作個人的電子報訂閱/退訂網頁(PHP+HTM)
,讓網友透過您的網頁加入或退出您的電子報發送名單,具備 HTML 電子報的編輯/發送功
K-ML is a mailing list / newsletter manager. K-ML makes online marketing
easier than any other tool.
With K-ML you can very easily manage large lists of contacts or
customers and send them customized messages that fits their profile.
K-ML supports HTML messages with images and sound, attachments,
worldwide characters sets, priority levels... K-ML can also be embedded
within a Web site for online (un)subscription (requires PHP).
