7-PDF Split and Merge v2.7.0 英文正式版(PDF分割與合併軟體)
7-PDF Split And Merge便攜版是免費PDF格式編輯器工具軟件非常方便,快捷正確的分割
What you need to merge and split PDF-Files together
is included in our great new 7-PDF Split & Merge for
Windows. It offers possibilities of creating new
individual composed pdf-files.
7-PDF Split & Merge is a PDF Composer Freeware Tool
for Windows 2000, XP, VISTA and Windows 7. Following
are the functions of the software:
* Use the tool to split pdf-files
* Merge pdf-files together in the way you prefer
* Compose new PDF-Files while using individual
sorting, customized patterns (similar to Word
printing), etc.
* Fully compatible with Windows 7
* You can even append encrypted PDF files to another
PDF document
* Process password protected PDF files
* The program is much more faster as Java based PDF
Split & Merge Tools
* Can be used on USB-Sticks as PortableApp PDF Split
& Merge Tool
* Multi language support. You can switch between
languages at runtime. Support for English and German
is already included.
* Help us to translate 7-PDF Split & Merge user
interface to your language
