Schoolhouse Technologies Schoolhouse Test v4.1.4.6 Professional 英文正式版(製作、列印測驗考試試卷的軟體)
Schoolhouse Test是一款製作、列印測驗考試試卷的工具軟體。考卷有多種答題模式,如
Creating and printing a paper-and-pencil test, quiz, or exam, has never
been easier. Schoolhouse Test makes a time-consuming chore a whole lot
easier and the result considerably more professional. Some of our
customers have even hinted that creating tests with Schoolhouse Test ca
actually be an enjoyable process. If you're looking for a professional
test generator that makes quick work out of creating paper-and-pencil
tests then Schoolhouse Test is the program for you.
New Version Version 4 of the popular Schoolhouse Test comes with an
updated fresh new look, three new question types (checklist, statements
and table), import and export services for Moodle, Blackboard, and
Respondus, more organization fields, a new question bank feature that
turns any test into a question bank from which you can draw questions
for new tests, and many new features and options.
