Inmatrix Zoom Player Home MAX v8.61 英文正式版(媒體播放軟體)
oom Player是一套小巧好用的媒體播放程式,他根據消除 OverScan來提升畫面輸出的品質,
括支援 MPEG4的格式如DivX PG、ASF、AVI等及全螢幕、播放列表等外,還包括好用的控制
BAR 及使用背景顏色來測試顯示器的明亮度功能。Zoom Player工作於兩種模式,即媒體模式
和DVD模式。媒體模式能夠播放任何DirectShow支援的文件 (任何能用Windows Media Player
播放的文件),DVD模式使用預安裝DirectShow DVD濾鏡播放DVD內容。
Zoom Player is the most Powerful, Flexible and
Customizable DVD and Media Player for the Windows P
platform. Using our powerful Smart Play technology,
more media formats play with less hassle, improved
stability and greater performance. No other media
player matches Zoom Player's versatility and
integration with cutting edge technology.
Zoom Player's fullscreen navigation interface is
based on a simple 5-Key system (up / down / left /
right / select). The 5-key system gives you easy
access and navigation to such interfaces as Media
Library, File Browsing, Playlist, Color Control,
Audio Equalizer, Bookmarks, Play History and many
more. The system's simplicity makes it ideal for
users with no previous computer experience.
With Zoom Player, you can instantly Convert any PC
into a Home Entertainment Center or Home Theater PC
(HTPC) with no requirement for specialized hardware
or operating system (Zoom Player runs on every
version of Windows).
Utilizing Zoom Player's modular design and
flexibility, you can easily design a safe viewing
environment, limiting or extending functionality,
making it ideal for both children and to the
consummate professional.
Zoom Player is fully scalable, supporting all the
latest media formats and interfaces. New features
are incorporated on an ongoing basis with release
schedules and feature integration clearly announced
on our support Forum and Twitter account.
