CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra v15.0.1727.58 英文正式版(3D影音播放軟體)
PowerDVD Ultra 15 極致藍光版 是一套全方位高清3D影音播放軟件,不僅支持藍光
PowerDVD 12 就可以輕鬆將電影轉換為3D效果來播放!就是這麼酷!
Immerse yourself in high quality media entertainment with
PowerDVD's TrueTheater technologies, the latest media formats,
smart cross-platform media transcoding and more.
PowerDVD integrates its award-winning media playback features,
mobile apps and cloud services to provide a seamless entertainment
ecosystem that lets you enjoy all your favorite media content
anytime, anywhere and on any device.
