LinuxCBT KornShell Edition 英文正式版(LINUX郵件傳遞代理教程軟體)
LinuxCBT Mail Edition著眼於3個領先的郵件傳遞代理(MTAs)以及輔助組成:
1. Sendmail - LinuxCBT Sendmail Edition
2. Postfix - LinuxCBT Postfix Edition
3. qmail - LinuxCBT qmail Edition
Linux/UNIX 系統提供跨越私人/公用網路的電子郵件。所以, 系統管理員希望為普通和自動基於郵件的
LinuxCBT feat. KornShell Edition focuses on the common Linux | Unix shell environment: Korn.
It extends LinuxCBT Scripting Edition to 77 hours of content.
Kornshell derives largely from Bourne and C shells, incorporating many features from both.
Kornshell also largely influenced the default Linux shell: BASH. Being familiar with Kornshell
and BASH allows you to transport your skills across Linux and Unix systems with relative ease.