SkillSoft Course Configuring Windows Vista Applications v1.2 英文正式版(SkillSoft’s IT 職業技術培軟體)
check crack\install.txt
SkillSoft's IT 職業技術培訓供應商,以廣闊的知識庫和靈活的教育方式(基於web互動培訓)
註:IBM內部網路即有大量的skillsoft的作品。SkillSoft的book 24X7 也同樣在IBM內部使用。
SkillSoft's IT Skills Courseware Collection provides a rich array of
content assets and flexible delivery technologies to support the full
range of formal and on-demand learning needs of IT organizations
Standardized course materials support IT professionals interested in
certification through every stage of the IT learning curve.
The IT Skills Courseware Collection consists of an array of courses
and supporting resources including:
* Courses ?Our award winning IT courseware library includes several
thousand hours of interactive instruction
* IT Certification Manuals ?Express Guides offer quick-to-market and
content-rich coverage of critical emerging certifications and
* Practice Certification Exams ?TestPrep Exams allow learners to test
their knowledge of certification subjects in a simulated test
Learning Sparks are innovative, instructional products that engage
learners in dynamic, highly interactive scenarios. Utilizing learning
techniques such as first-person video narration, drag-and-drop network
simulations, and multiple choice questions with feedback, Sparks are a
concise new learning mode that provide opportunities to practice and
reinforce key targeted IT skills.
Practice Labs will offer an accelerated learning experience, suitable
for students who are refreshing their skills or supplementing other
Live Learning brings world-class technical experts right to your
desktop or laptop where they deliver an unparalleled overall learning
experience. It's the ultimate classroom!