VTC QUICKSTART ADOBE FIREWORKS CS6 2012 BOOKWARE 英文正式版(Adobe FireWorks CS6 新功能視頻教程軟體)
Lynda.com 出品的時長1小時的Adobe FireWorks CS6 新功能影片教程。由Ray Villalobos
展示探索Adobe FireWorks CS6的新功能和增強。課程內容包括色彩工作流程的改進,如顏色
填充不透明度控制,並擴大UI ,用戶體驗的改進,當然也探討加強在Fireworks中建立的文檔
的交互性,此外, CSS和jQuery和CSS屬性和jQuery移動範本,幫助融入網頁設計和開發工作流
Adobe? Fireworks? CS6 軟體能讓您在彈指間創作精美的網站和移動應用程式設計,而無需進
行編碼。發佈適用於熱門的平板電腦和智慧手機的向量和點陣圖、模型、3D 圖形和交互式內
容。在 Adobe? Fireworks? CS6 軟體中利用 jQuery 支援製作移動主題,從設計元件中添加
CSS Sprite 圖像。為網頁、智慧手機和平板電腦應用程式提取簡潔的 CSS3 代碼。利用適用於
Mac OS 的增強的重繪性能和適用於 Windows? 的記憶體管理,大大提高工作效率。利用增強
Jump into the world of web graphics and design with VTC's
QuickStart! - Adobe Fireworks CS6 course. Join award-winning
trainer Geoff Blake as he takes you through a full design
process in Fireworks CS6, beginning with a scratch-built
wireframe structure. Once the structure is placed and
organized, you will learn how to apply design to the
structure, making use of colors, text formatting, imported
content from Illustrator and Photoshop, and even special
Then you'll see how to slice it apart for output, how to set
image optimization settings, and how to have Fireworks write
all the necessary HTML and CSS. Finally, you will find out
about a new feature in Fireworks CS6: exporting CSS
Sprite Sheets!