VTC.com Quickstart Adobe Premiere Elements 11 Course 英文正式版(Adobe Premiere Elements 8快速入門教程軟體)
VTC出品的 Adobe Premiere Elements 8影片編輯軟件快速入門教程. Premiere Elements 8
是Adobe公司開發的影片軟件的最新版本. Premiere Elements 8現在擁有許多新的功能讓你的
影片編輯製作達到更加專業的層次. ...... Premiere Elements 8集成的DVD創作界面不僅允許
你燒錄屬於自己的DVD. 你還可以轉換你的影片為許多其他的格式,能應用於移動設備和 YouTube
這樣的社交網站上. ............
Premiere Elements 11 is the latest version of Adobe's user-friendly
and elegant video editing program. In this VTC QuickStart! course,
you will learn how to set up projects using either the Welcome Screen
or the Elements 11 user interface. The GUI contains two views, Quick
and Expert, and you will become comfortable navigating around either
view. Author Mark Struthers covers adding and editing clips before
introducing special effects and text on the screen. The importance of
rendering is considered when preview playback is an issue. As the course
concludes, the use of Time Remapping and Freeze Frames are explored
prior to converting to a DVD or an Instant Movie project.* VTC MasterClass!