HIPAA Security Rule Assistant v10.0 英文正式版(1996年頒布的健康保險便利及責任法案事務安全規則助理軟體)
check crack\serial.txt
HIPAA Security Rule Assistant is now the ultimate HIPAA
Security Rule consultant. Written by a HIPAA compliance
officer, the program includes Risk Analysis Worksheets,
sample Policy Templates for each specification in the rule,
a sample Incident Report Form, a sample Disaster Recovery
Plan, plus more information. It also provides HIPAA
covered entities a program to view, learn and understand
the HIPAA Security Rule, tract actions taken and enter
policies and procedures developed to meet the requirements
of the rule. You can view the entire rule or portions
thereof. Enter and track actions taken, enter comments,
and more. A word processor is included to let you create
policies in the program.
