Killetsoft SEVENPAR v3.00 英文正式版(計算Helmert變換的軟體)
SEVENPAR可以精確計算出 Helmert變換參數。計算出的參數可以直接輸入到合適的變換軟體
常用的標準計算的,三個標準是Coordinate Frame Rotation、
Position Vector Transformation和European Standard ISO 19111。
SEVENPAR is a tool for the computation of highly exact
parameter sets by spatial Helmert transformation and
Molodensky transformation, with which are possible precise
coordinate transformations from one reference system into
another. The determined transformation parameters can be
entered directly into suitable transformation software,
e.g. TRANSDAT Coordinate Transformations, or into the
calculation software of GPS receivers to do exact
coordinate transformations.
