Binary Fortress Software DisplayFusion Pro v5.1.0 英文正式版(應用軟體)
Binary Fortress Software DisplayFusion Pro DisplayFusion 控制單顯示器或者多
顯示器窗口位置及大小, 集成 Flickr 圖片搜索及下載.和用純快捷鍵來控制窗口的大
小和位置的 MurphySizer 功能類似,不過多顯示器支援很是不錯。使得你使用2個或者
DisplayFusion works best with
multiple screens, but you can also
use it with just one.
DisplayFusion is a great application
that can make your dual monitor (or
triple monitor or more) life much,
much easier!
From allowing you to use a different
wallpaper on each monitor, to
integrating with Flickr for image
searching, to providing hotkeys for
managing your application windows.
