Folder Transfer Enterprise v3.12.2.5534 英文正式版(應用軟體)
文件夾傳輸可以在多台計算機傳送文件和文件夾在本地網絡或Internet / Intranet的。
Folder Transfer can transfer files and folders to multiple comput-
ers over local network or Internet/Intranet. You can also share
your computer files and folders to let other network users down-
load anytime.
Transfer files from PC to PC
- Files and folders can be easily transferred to another computer.
Send large files between computers directly
- Each big file size can unlimited. Forget email attachment.
Remote file transfer over Internet or Intranet
- Connect remote computers directly. No more clouds.
Transfer files to multiple destinations simultaneously
- No matter destination computers are online or offline, do it at
a time!
Share files and folders across network
- Share your files, and let others download from your computer
Support breakpoint transmission
- Reliable and no worry about network connection interruption.
