Binary Fortress Software FileSeek Pro v4.5.0 英文正式版(控制單顯示器應用軟體)
Binary Fortress Software DisplayFusion Pro DisplayFusion 控制單顯示器或者多
顯示器窗口位置及大小, 集成 Flickr 圖片搜索及下載.和用純快捷鍵來控制窗口的大
小和位置的 MurphySizer 功能類似,不過多顯示器支援很是不錯。使得你使用2個或者
FileSeek is feature-rich utility
which enables users to search for
text within contents over a wide
array of files. It has many
interesting options to offer, aside
from a user-friendly environment.
The setup procedure is quick and does
not require special attention from
the user. Once it's done, you can
check out a standard window with a
well-defined layout, representing
FileSeek's interface.
You can set up the search parameters
when it comes to the target
directory, exclusion list of
files/folders, and evidently, the
search query.
FileSeek performs a scan job very
rapidly and reveals results with the
file name, path, size, line number,
date of last modification and access,
along with the line itself of the
query in question.
More advanced filters can be defined
when it comes to the query match mode
(to the entire file or to each line
in the file), subfolders, case
sensitivity, date attributes and file
size limit.
It is also possible to create, manage
and synchronize multiple profiles for
various projects, switch to a
different language for the UI, enable
file handlers, input command-line
parameters to pass, and so on. Plus,
the program integrates into the
Explorer context menu.
FileSeek has a good response time and
requires a low-to-moderate amount of
CPU and RAM to work properly. No
error dialogs have been shown in our
tests, and the app did not hang or
crash. The intuitive layout and rich
configuration options should make
FileSeek appealing to the entire
